Creativity And What I’ve Learned

Lulu deCarron
2 min readJul 28, 2023

Practice, Consistency, and Creativity

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

I’ve always been creative, but I was under the impression that to paint, draw or write well, it was necessary to have a particular gene giving all the credit to an artist’s genetics. I would hang out at art supply stores, bookstores, and anywhere creativity shines. One day as I browsed in an art store, I remembered a book I wanted on art history.

The owner went into the back room to order it. She walked by me and said, “Lu, look in the gallery while you wait.” Walking in, the space was ablaze with colors. There were assorted paintings, all different, beautiful, youthful, and accessible.

When the owner, Fadwa, returned, she asked how I liked the show. “I love it, I said, so bright and each one unique.” She asked if I looked at the bios under the paintings. I walked over and looked from one painting to the next, stunned. The artists were all between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. I asked who taught them.

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Pablo Picasso

She handed me the artist’s name, who gave lessons from her studio to children and adults. Natasha taught students in Russian Gouache, which are vibrant colors.



Lulu deCarron

Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and a MultiPassionate Creative. As an autodidact, I am a student for life ✍️, ☕️